Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Soyrizo Potato Scramble

One of my favorite breakfast dishes growing up was chorizo with eggs. This Mexican dish was a staple in my house growing up, and so was lard. Yummy goodness, I tell you. Gosh, I don't think I've cooked with lard in over 20 years! Hummm, opps, I digress...

But one thing I've come to like is soyrizo. There are some brands that aren't very good, but this one, found in a local Hispanic market right next to regular & beef chorizo, isn't half bad.

Of course, it doesn't have pork, which gives chorizo that yummy kick, but as an alternative, the spices are spot on and the dish never leaves you feeling like you've missed out. Only big diference is the lack of salt, so you have to make sure to add some in when making this dish, this isn't necessary with regular chorizo cuz it's pretty salty as is.

This dish can be served with bread, tortillas, huaraches, beans, or as is. If you serve with bread, try a little butter on the bread for some extra richness, you won't be dissapointed!

Soyrizo Potato Scramble
Serves 2-3

2 Medium Potatoes (Diced Small)
1/2 Soyrizo Roll
Salt & Pepper (To Taste)
1/4 C Water
2 Eggs
1/4 C Shredded Cheese (I used Monterey Jack)

-Heat Potatoes in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat for about 10 mins.
-Mix in Soyrizo, S&P and continue to cook for another 5 mins.
-Add in Water and cover pan for another 5mins, stir then re-cover.
-Once potatoes are cooked, mix in Eggs & cook for 1-2 mins.
-Then add in Cheese & stir until melted (about 1 min).
-Serve with Tortillas, Buttered Bread, Beans or as you like.

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